• Want to live a

    stress free life of total wellness?



    Discover how

    with The Total Wellness System!



    Find out how stress impacts your health and what you can do about it




    0451 920 114





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    Minjayati Angelo

    Accredited Naturopath l Mindset Coach



    Naturopathy N.D. Ad,

    Accredited Mindset Results Coach,

    Dip. Kinesiology,

    Dip. Modern Hypnosis,

    Cert. Energy Psychology,

    Cert. NLP,

    Cert. Visual Art,

    Cert. Positive Psychiatry & Mental Health,

    B.A., LL.B., G.D.L.P


    Professional Association Membership : IICT

  • About Minjayati  

    Minjayati's mission is to shine the light for you to empower yourself to create sustainable wellness and an energy filled life.

    The wellness you dream of is possible and simple to attain.


    "What you think you become

    What you feel you attract

    What you imagine you create"



    With decades of experience in the wellness space, background in the law, and professional experience spanning kinesiology, hypnotherapy, mindset coaching and naturopathy, Minjayati has a wealth of professional and personal experience and expertise in finding the root cause of chronic disease and has developed a plan how to achieve the best outcomes for each individual. Having recovered from cancer, Minjayati has a unique approach to this diagnosed disease that has helped many clients.



    “Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want

    and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way."

    ...Albert Einstein...


    Disease begins with our thoughts, the invisible chemical and electrical impulses that unconsciously impact our body. Pin pointing the root cause is where Minjayati's expertise can facilitate real and lasting change in your life. Our thoughts and emotions initiate our physical experience. So by addressing your wellness holistically, you can have lasting and permanent wellness.


    Minjayati has developed the Total Wellness System which creates an individual easy to follow step by step roadmap for you to follow. The programs she has developed make the healing process as simple and stress free as possible. Each program is as unique as you are. All programs are also all inclusive so that you have peace of mind knowing that everything is taken care of with no ongoing costs or expenses. In this way wellness is affordable - as it should be. You will be empowered to make great decisions for your health and wellness ongoing to maintain optimal health and wellness into longevity.




    Minjayati's special focus in clinical practice :


    + healing from chronic illness

    + stress / anxiety / depression

    + eliminate sleep problems

    + the keys to longevity



    For a free 30 minute call to find out what is possible

    for you to have the total wellness you want so that you can love your life.


    contact Minjayati

    0451 920 114
  • What is a naturopath?

    A Naturopath is a functional and preventative natural medicine practitioner :

    A specialist in nutritional therapies, herbal medicine, energy medicine, mind-body medicine, highly skilled in finding the root cause of disease and a provider of education on diet/lifestyle choices and decisions to create lasting change.


    A Naturopath neither diagnoses, treats nor prescribes, but instead looks at the biochemical, mental and emotional root cause of disease to find realistic and sustainable solutions for self healing and maintaining great health and wellness throughout life in mind, emotions and the body.


    Having extensive academic knowledge of anatomy, physiology, chemistry, biochemistry, pharmacology, pathophysiology, symptomology, nutritional therapy, herbal medicine and energy medicine, naturopathic practitioners are well placed to assist clients to permanently overcome chronic states of disease and create optimal health.


    Often clients see a naturopath as a last resort after many years suffering with chronic conditions, having unsuccessfully tried many pharmaceutical drugs and / or surgery, feeling lost, disappointed and confused. It does not have to be this way!


    Contact Minjayati today for more information

    0451 920 114



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    LABORATORY TESTING is included in ALL of the Total Wellness Programs. 


    Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

    Hair tissue mineral analysis is an extremely accurate method for screening essential nutritional mineral balances in the body and identifying toxic exposures. This method provides an individualised profile and report with a precise supplemental program with proven success to restore optimal mineral balance, addressing the cause of disease and disorder. It is a non-invasive test and provides a comprehensive means to monitor current and future developments. Testing includes full colour report with food and nutritional recommendations to restore mineral balance.
    Hair is used for mineral testing because of its very nature it is formed from clusters of specialised cells that make up the hair follicle. During teh growth phase the hair is exposed to the internal environment (blood, lymph, extracellular fluid). As the hair continues to grow and reaches the surface of the skin, its outer layers harden, locking in the metabolic products accumulated during formation. This biological process provides a blueprint and lasting record of mineral status and nutritional metabolic activity that has occured during this time. The precise analytical method of determining levels of minerals in the hair is a highly scientific and sophisticated technique and when perfomed to exacting standards and interpreted correctly, it may be used as a screening aid for determining mineral deficiencies, excesses or imbalances. HTMA provides you with an economical and sensitive indicator of the long term effects of diet, stress, toxic metal exposure and their effects on your mineral balance that is difficult to obtain through other clinical tests.
    All recommended supplementation is 100% vegan.



    Blood Pathology Testing

    Alternatively, there may be a requirement for some blood pathology to give a clear picture of patterns developing at the cellular level and these are included in the Total Wellness Programs.
    Your required blood test request form will be emailed to you, and you simply print and take to a pathology collection centre near you, and the results will be emailed directly to you for a complete discussion at your next appointment. If further tests are recommended, a referral will be supplied.


  • Recipes and Articles

    January 28, 2021
    Recipes for wellness   Nutritious high protein and mineral, grain free and dairy free recipe ideas.Here are a few recipes to get you started. Check for food intolerances before you try!     Mushroom burger with pesto serves 2   Ingredients (use organic where possible) Burger ...
    VEGAN CHRISTMAS CHOCOLATE BALLS These are amazing!!! And can be enjoyed all year round :)   Ingredients : 10 Medjool Dates : pitted, soaked in boiling spring water for 10 minutes 1 cup almond meal 1/2 cup desiccated coconut 1/2 cup raw cacao powder 50ml rum OR a few drops of...
    "Where do you get your protein?" This is a common questions vegans tend to be asked... So, how much protein do humans actually need? The answer will vary depending on individual requirements but a rough guide is 1g per kg of body weight. So if I'm 60kg, it means my daily requirement is around...
  • FAQs

    Can I have just a single appointment? Yes, of course! This includes a review of your questionnaire, follow up appointment and roadmap forward so you can get on track. Any nutritional or herbal support is at additional cost for single appointments.

    Why do you have programs? From my experience over the past decades, I have found that a personalised system with step by step easy to follow program provides the best results. Most people require some support (whether that is nutritional, herbal, or establishing the right mindset for ongoing wellness sustainability).

    Are there any hidden additional costs?  All the programs are all inclusive with one simple payment, so there are no hidden additional or ongoing costs. The aim is to provide a sustainable low cost plan to follow, with knowledge and understanding of the cause of illness and disease. The education you receive allows you to make great wellness decisions going forward.

    Why are appointments via phone or zoom? This allows us to work together in a regular systematic way, with total convenience for you. In addition, science has shown that face to face appointments are actually less effective for producing lasting empowered results. First appointment can be via zoom if required.

    How do the all inclusive programs work?  This is how your unique program unfolds... see below!

    This is how your unique program uolds:



    Step 1 : We find the root cause of your health issues. This gives us the point at which health has deteriorated, and the starting point for healing. This is a science based approach as we assess the impact of other factors such as past or present stress or trauma, sleep problems, gut problems, and any nutritional deficiencies in order to resolve for ongoing total wellness. Pathology testing is discussed.


    Step 2 : Next, along with any pathology results, your exact nutritional and herbal supplements are recommended. In this way you have a clear understanding of the cause of your health issues, and how to address. Mindset tools may be provided in order to restore balance in your mind-body system.


    Step 3: Next, your individualised parcel of herbal medicine and nutritional supplements required for re-balancing your biochemistry, will be express posted to you.


    Follow up : Your progress is reviewed at each stage, to monitor improvements over time. You will notice how your energy is improving and life flows more easily. You notice increase in wellbeing and happiness in your life. At the follow up we discuss any remaining questions about creating optimal wellness and we make any further adjustments to diet and lifestyle to ensure ongoing optimal health and wellness into the future.


    *After your program is complete, there is added SMS and email support for up to 60 days for any questions you may have going forward so that you can confidently sustain an even increasing wellness over time!  




    What are my choices?


    • Single appointment and followup
    • 90 Day Total Wellness Programs (all inclusive)
    • 12 Month Total Wellness Program (all inclusive)
    • 8 Week Mindset Coaching Program





    Still have any questions?

    Enquire today!

    Contact Minjayati

    for more information



    0451 920 114




    Testimonials & Kind Words ...


    "Prior to working with Minjayati, I struggled with feelings of anxiety, inadequacy and fear. Due to extreme financial difficulty, my choices were limited, and I felt trapped. I held the vision of my ideal life but had no idea how to move forward. Minjayati helped unearth the core values, pivotal to understanding my authentic self. She helpedidentify the barriers holding me back from achieving my goals and guided me along the path to removing them. Since working with Minjayati, I have applied the knowledge and understanding gained to help create amore financially abundant life. This in turn has given me a sense of security, the freedom of greater choice, and has helped improve my self-esteem. Finally, I feel in reach of my ideal life.

    My experience in working with Minjayati has helped me view myself as worthy of compassion andforgiveness, especially from me. It is my pleasure to recommend MInjayati to help support and guide anyone who feels ready to make a positive change and live their best possible life."

    With Love and Gratitude, Georgie SA.


    "Minjayati was very detailed in her assessment of my migraine and other physical conditions. She was very quick in identifying the root causes of my health concerns and proposed clear and definite solutions with clarity, kindness, and sensitivity. Twenty years of migraines have disappeared after only 9 days of treatment! Other inflammatory conditions have also disappeared during this time. It has led to much more productivity, ease and enjoyment of my life overall- thank you! "

    Dr E. Tan Sydney. NSW



    "Words cannot express the depth of knowledge, kindness and support that Minjayati has given on my healing journey. Minjayati has a great ability to find the cause of my health problem and helped me so much. Thank you for everything! Highly recommend her 10/10."

    Anne M. Encounter Bay. S.A. 


    "...without Minjayati's help, understanding and patience, I would not be where I am today... I feel amazing and so easy now to focus on me and my health, something I've never ever done... Her kindness and calmness while I was a mess helped me to feel empowered... I've got my health back and I feel great! Eternal thanks."

    M.M. Victor Harbor. S.A.


    "I have so much appreciation for all Minjayati has done for me. In just a few months, my life has turned around. When I was diagnosed I was in despair. But after the first appointment, I realised there was hope. I made the recommended changes, and started to feel better which gave me the confidence to feel I can do it! By explaining everything so well, I understand the cause and I know how to keep on my current path. The best I've felt since forever. An amazing naturopath."

    Leane E. Sydney

    "What can I say about working with Minjayati? She is beautiful, so tender, so loving, professional, on point. She has this drive that directs you lovingly, whilst she listens and adjusts as needed, but she is always on point. I am very grateful for the coaching I've had with her. I'm grateful that she is in this world offering the loving guidence that she does. If you get a chance to work with her, please take that opportunity, you won't be disappointed and you will be expanded because of it. Coaching with Minjayati is like a beautiful, warm, nourishing self-cuddle! Something we all need. That is what it is like working with Minjayati is like. So professional. So much wisdom in this lady. Thank you once again."

    Katrina S. Sydney

    "I had a nasty-looking skin lesion that (as a medical practitioner I diagnosed) was likely cancerous. With Minjayati's expertise and guidance, that lesion has completely disappeared. Not only that, but the mindset and kinesiology sessions improved my confidence and enabled me to realise my dream of becoming a writer. I am forever grateful to Minjayati."
    Dr K.Duncliffe Adelaide SA

  • Spring 2024 inspirational message



    A new moment


    A new golden




    - Sri Chinmoy -